Friday, October 31, 2008

Lesson to be learn...

Have you heard the story of a boy who always run to the village and said “the wolf is coming”. The villagers went to help but to found out that the boy was lying. Then one day, the wolf exactly came but none of the villagers went to help because they all thought that the boy was lying. And eventually the boy and the sheep was killed (I think)

There is a lesson behind this story (to me that is), when people tend to keep saying that they are sick (when it was not serious) or they whine about a lot of things or they lie about things or whatever things that they usually do (where they not suppose to, in the first place since it is not serious) where in the end, the people they love or care, they tend not to care just like the villagers since they know that we just lying and will be ok by the next day

And when we really need them, they won’t be there for us. So we thought that they don’t care but it was us to push them back and make they to think that way. We’re human and they also get tired with our attitude if we tend to do the same thing over and over. What sumire will say, this people are attention seeker

As for me, I don’t want to be the boy nor the villagers because the very end the villagers, regret that they won’t there to help the boy when he really in need. That why, even though people think that I’m stupid to help this people, at least I’ll be there when they need me and I won’t regret it

I also don’t want to the boy because, people won’t be there when I really need them so for now, I keep everything and solve it by myself. But the problem now, I don’t know when I suppose to ask for help since I’m confuse if my problems is big or small…sigh!

So my advice to all my friends out there, try not to make a big deal of something small and ask for help when you can’t really solve the problem or need someone there for you…

take care...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

nice to see

Dat so funny...

Dis is just a reply...i knw dat i'm a teacher and i knw dat my english kinda suck. i knw dat long time ago and dat a gd thing caz i knw dat i'm a human being and people do make mistake. As long i learn from it, i'm ok. if u really think dat u can teach my students, so go ahead and see if it is dat easy..

I do love my job (not like sum1 ppl who been force to become a teacher) and i knw i taking care the future generation not like u since ur a writer but this is d way i deal with things. Everyone make mistakes and without it, we cant improve. U think ur helping people, r u sure? i think u still a long way in understanding people feeling and as a writer u need to knw this. not everyone will think the way ur and want yr help (especially when they need yr care when they are sad)

it is good to help but there are sometime...u'll learn it sooner or later...if not...oh well, unlucky for you. neways...i wish u good luck and hope everything goes well in whatever u plan in doing...

As for sumire, i'm sorry...just need to make dis blog...

Take care always...later